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Some kids skip into school every day, ready to tackle whatever is thrown their way. They’re motivated, engaged and likely a candidate for future school captain. Other kids… not so much. If you have one like mine, there is no skipping going on. Instead, you’re faced with a daily dose of trying to motivate the …

Read More about Motivate the unmotivated: How to empower kids to excel in school (and life!)

Is there anything more irritating than living with a prolonged teenage sulk? Oh, I know. The teen rage and the teen tantrum are up there. But there’s something about a teenager sulking that burrows into your skin and scratches at your nerve endings. Or is that just me? Teens may sulk for various reasons and …

Read More about The teenage sulk: why they do it and what we can do about it

Pornography has been in the news a lot this year. It was at the centre of discussions for addressing violence against women back in May. Deepfake pornography has also been in the headlines. By Giselle Woodley, Edith Cowan University and Lelia Green, Edith Cowan University Recently the NSW government announced the first state-led inquiry into …

Read More about Here’s what teens actually think about porn

It’s been a strange year. I’ve unexpectedly found myself the mother of an only child. Oh, I know having your sibling move out of home isn’t the same thing as never having them at all… and yet. It’s really hard for the only child left behind. My Lottie has gone from being one of three …

Read More about From three to one: Parenting the only child left behind

Remember when your kids clung to you like a shipwreck survivor to a life raft? (We were the raft in this situation, just to be clear.) Then, one day, unexpectedly, they simply weren’t around anymore. Not only were they not on you, they weren’t anywhere around you either. Now, instead of feeling smothered with love …

Read More about How to reconnect with your teen (even if it’s been a while)

Have boys always made stupid sexual moaning noises at girls and I just never realised? Or is this a whole new thing for our girls to have to deal with? Either way, just stop it! Sexual moaning has been on the rise for at least a few years. It involves a group of boys making …

Read More about Why are boys making sexual moaning noises at girls? And how can we make them stop?