Things to do in Sydney for older kids can feel few and far between. It can be tough entertaining tweens and teens who no longer want to visit Taronga Zoo (what’s wrong with them!?), and a ferry ride just ain’t cutting it any more. By Amanda Nicholls Whether you live in Sydney or are just …
Round up
Okay, so these 2023 gift ideas for teen boys are in addition to the gift ideas for teen girls list from earlier in the week. I say this because I really don’t believe there are such things as ‘boys things’ and ‘girls things’. There are just teen things. But I split the lists into gift …
At last, it’s gift ideas for tween boys time! We’ve found gifts to sort the teen girls, teen boys and tween girls and here we are buying for adolescent boys. They are a tough crowd to buy for, let me tell you. If they’re sporty, they’ve already got all the sporting equipment they’ll ever need. …
This massive list of Christmas gift ideas for tween girls joins our list for teen boys, tween boys and teen girls. So check those out for more thoughtful gifts that might also suit your tweenie. In this list, I’ve included gifts that suit girly tween girls and less girly tween girls. Very important, as I happen …
I’ve put together some gift ideas for teen girls that will solve all your Christmas shopping dilemmas. There’s a gift ideas for teen boys over here too – both lists are good for any kind of teen. I find the older the kids get, the less gender “compartmentalisable” they are. These Christmas gift ideas for …
These TED Talks for tweens aren’t exactly aimed at kids, but they 100% inspire kids. TED Talks listened to by tweens make kids feel the same way they make an adult feel: inspired, thoughtful, different. I listen to a lot of TED Talks (and the podcast TED Radio Hour is my favourite, plus TED Talks …