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DIY glow party invites to download and print for free

DIY glow party invites to download and print for free

Set the scene for a tween birthday party with these glow party invites. They are all kinds of colourful fun. Cool glow party invites like these will get everyone excited about attending your upcoming glow party.

To download these free downloadable glow party invites, simply click on the link below. A Word document will automatically open and you can edit the glow party invites to suit your own party details. Couldn’t be easier, right?

You will need Calibri font to make this work. It’s a free font with MS Word. If you are using a Mac, you may need to highlight the text and play around with finding a font that works for you.

Click below for an instant glow party invites download.

Free glow party invites - download, edit and print for free

Finishing touch for the glow party invite

We packaged our glow party invites up in a plain white envelope with a cracked glow stick inside. It looked so effective and got the kids excited. That’s the role of a good party invite, right? Plus it was cheap as chips (another role of a good party invite, in my opinion ).

DIY glow party invites - packaging idea

They look cute, right? Just make sure you put the glow stick in and seal the envelopes right before you hand them out for maximum glow.

Glow party theme ideas

Our final glow party really rocked! Think hip hop dance class, glow stick games, edible glow food and blue lights making everything – you guessed it – glow. 

 A glow or fluro theme is such an easy party theme to put together and older kids really go for it. Especially if you hold the party at night. A glow party is really just made for darkness, although you could definitely pull one off in broad daylight without any problem.

The planning is loads of fun for a glow party too. Think colour, colour, colour and lights, lights, lights! Really, these glow party invites are just the beginning…

Enjoy your party!

  1. Dimitra Papapanagiotou says:

    hello < i'm trying to download but it seems like all the writing is misplaced please help!
    thank you

  2. Maxabella says:

    You need Calibri font to make it work. If you don’t have it, just highlight the text and select another simple font (Times or Arial will work).

  3. Carol Burns says:

    Thank you for this!
    When I opened the document my colors didn’t match like the one you have in the picture. Do you have any idea why? Is there a way to fix it?

  4. Stacy says:

    I was trying to edit the text to make for a Glow Prom invite. The splatter and Glow Crazy and “entry strictly by invitation only” are not editable. I would like to add the word Prom up with Glow Crazy and take off the invitation only part and the what to wear part, since a Prom is a formal event. Can you help?

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