When the slog of it all, this epic trek through quicksand that life so often is; when it all gets too much, we need to have a really good day. In fact, we need to make TODAY a good day. You know what it’s like. Life is frantically whizzing by and we start to wonder what …
5 tips
Before the tiny folder Marie Kondo came on the scene, there was Leo Babauta’s simplicity and decluttering tips. He’s passionate about sharing decluttering tips and way back in 2008 he shared this post on his blog Zen Habits. This is how you start decluttering when you don’t have two weeks available in order to have a conversation …
After every school day there’s a sprint to the school gate as kids race to attend extracurricular activities. Most kids, most families, are committed to some kind of after school activity on most days of the week. The things is, there are so many brilliant extracurricular activities available that it’s hard to limit our kids. …
It’s a fact of life that at some stage or another, our kids are going to have to tackle any number of difficult conversations. Matter of fact, many of the difficult conversations our kids will need to have will be with us. These are the kind of conversations that many of us shy away from …
By the end of last year, I felt totally depleted and fatigued by doing all the things that we mothers do. The mothering, the schooling, the working, the cooking, the washing, the emotional caring, the disciplining, the routine making, the routine keeping, the household managing, the bill paying and the lunch making. Phew! Why do …
There are many aspects of life on social media that can make a teen feel down. A lot it isn’t systematic and ongoing, so it can’t be classified as ‘cyberbullying’. General ‘mean online behaviour’ is sadly rife across social media. While most teens report that social media makes them feel better, not worse, time on Snapchat, …