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Every mother I know (myself most definitely included) spends a good proportion of her day trying to guess the future. What might happen is sometimes even more of a preoccupation than what is actually happening.  This is because we will do everything in our (super)power to stop bad things happening to our kids. In effect, …

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I’ve spent the last year or so in trepidation, wondering what it’s like when your daughter gets her first period. Well, suddenly now I know. Yup, it happened here on the weekend. If I am honest I was hoping my twin daughters would get their first period much later than this. Though at just shy …

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With school holidays in full swing around Australia, it’s tempting for working parents to leave kids home alone for part or all of the day. Actually, it’s tempting for any parent to leave kids unsupervised at some stage at any time of year – even if it’s just for an hour to do the grocery …

Read More about What’s the right age to leave kids home alone?

I was an angry mum for way too long. It actually felt like my set-point was Angry Mum – I was just constantly going mental about something and the little respites of not being angry started to get further and further apart. I regularly yelled and felt justified in the yelling. I felt hard-done-by, martyrish, …

Read More about Goodbye angry mum: How I overcame my anger and stopped the yelling