So many of us have experienced the heartache of learning that our tween or teen is being bullied. In fact, three in five Australian kids will experience bullying at school or online. It’s a painful feeling of helplessness, sadness and dread. We know how this is probably going to go down and it’s a bloody …
AAaaaaargh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, just had to get that off my chest. I’m so DONE with parenting right now. I can’t even think straight, I’m so very, very done. I know you get it. You’re reading this article, for a start. Plus you’re the parent of an older kid. You’ve been down this road, I know you …
A lot of my daughter’s friends are using weed. I know this for a fact because I’ve let the kids smoke at our place when we weren’t there. I figured I would rather they were safe in our backyard than bonging on in some park somewhere. If a kid is smoking weed, it’s better for …
Whenever I mention that I have three highschoolers I’m bound to hear, “OMG, you are braaaaave!”. People used to say it in exactly the same way when I told them I had three kids under five. It seems that having your kids close together instantly makes you ‘brave’ and I’ll take it. I’ve certainly never …
You know the letter, the one that says your contract is about to expire and here are the new rates? The letter you place in a file or drop in a pile and ignore? It’s the letter that fills you with dread because you know that deep down (read: immediately) you should comparison shop and …
In an effort to get healthier and stop feeling old (yes, it has come to this), I’ve been reading a lot about health and wellbeing. I’m newly obsessed with websites like Outside, The Growth Equation and Trained. Will this turn me into a late-onset athlete? Will it not!. However, I have managed to come across …