It occurred to me that so many of the books we recommend here are not Australian books. They are generally the popular ‘best seller’ books that parents are keen to get a review on. So, I went searching for some Australian books for teens to recommend and found this excellent round-up on The Conversation. As …
While everyone is very keen to get back to ‘normal’ schooling, reduced classroom attendance can also offer a wonderful opportunity to catch up on some reading. Margot Hillel, Professor of Children’s Literature at the Australian Catholic University, has prepared a reading list for teens that focuses on books that are smart, relatable and/or funny. +++ …
When I was gathering this list of helpful books about raising girls, it occurred to me that gender is still very much a thing. It’s quite hard to get away from. So, I respect that many of you will have girls who defy the ‘girl tag’ society wants to put on them. I have one …
Pip Lincolne is a top-notch human who has recently released a new book. When Life Is Not Peachy is a gentle guide for navigating loss, grief or other sad times – like right now, for instance? With thoughtful advice on dealing with friends and family; healthy tips for eating and exercise when you don’t feel …
The latest Little Women is being released at the movies in Australia on 1 Jan. It’s reminded me just how good books turned into kids’ movies are at inspiring non-readers to pick up a book. Seeing the movie first can make reading so much easier and more accessible for many kids. You see, around here, …
Kids love funny books. We know this because the top 10 bestsellers in the 8+ market every year invariably contain a high percentage of fun, humorous reads. We asked young book reviewer Book Boy Jr (12) to recommend some new(ish) funny books for kids by Australian authors that are guaranteed to tickle the funny bones …