Critical thinking skills for kids are considered crucial for problem solving and effective decision making. In fact, critical thinking may be the most important skill our kids can develop. It’s not enough to know things. We need to be able to independently make sense of what we know, question the objectivity of the information we …
Early teen
Netflix series for tweens and teens that are interesting enough for adults are actually quite hard to find. Of course, you’ll have your own idea of what kind of show is suitable for your child. It might be quite different to mine. So bear that in mind as you read through my selections. I know, …
From getting beyond drunk at a friend’s party, to some seriously questionable outfit choices, teenagers often do things that seem outlandishly stupid. But we now know why they make such bad decisions: the areas of the brain that control decision-making don’t fully develop until early adulthood. article by James McCue, Edith Cowan University A teen’s …
My youngest is starting high school in February, so I thought we’d gather some tips for Year 7 kids from older friends. It actually physically hurts me to write such a ridiculous sentence. How can all three of my babies be in actual big school? That makes me very… old. It also makes me very …
Here in Sydney, we are well into our second lockdown for this pandemic. With no end in sight, all the days have begun to look extremely similar. So, it’s time to fix this the only way I know how… trying new things!! If you’re also ready to get out of the lockdown slump and try …
We recently published an extract from Dr Ginni Mansberg and Jo Lamble’s new book The New Teen Age that really struck a chord with many readers. After reading about the impact of reduced sleep on teens, a few mums even wrote to us to say that they were now freaking out. “Knowing just how much …