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The idea of “mindfulness for kids” has been floated around for a while now (no pun intended!). The Smiling Mind app has been an entry into mindfulness for kids for many Australian (and international) families. My nine-year-old uses it and both my boys are aware of what mindfulness is. As the world grows more rushed …

Read More about Why mindfulness for kids is more than just a buzzword

There are only so many times you can lose your shit uncharacteristically at your kids, or cry whilst sorting the washing before you realise things aren’t right. You’re exhausted by life. You need to make some changes to get your shizzle back into balance. I was riddled with anxiety and I was sad a lot …

Read More about How to fix things when you feel exhausted by life

We know we use screens too much and everyone I know is trying to cut down on their kids’ screen time. With good reason: too much screen time decreases our productivity and interferes with relationships. But rather than labour beneath the guilt of ‘I should’ or ‘I shouldn’t’ when it comes to smartphones, I’ve put …

Read More about 12 apps that will give you a happiness boost

It’s a regular parenting request: how to help the pessimistic child become more optimistic. There is genuine panic among some parents that their kid just seems to see the negative all the time. It’s exhausting to parent a kid like that and the concern is that our little “born pessimist” will always be negative about …

Read More about The challenge of parenting a pessimistic child

I was an angry mum for way too long. It actually felt like my set-point was Angry Mum – I was just constantly going mental about something and the little respites of not being angry started to get further and further apart. I regularly yelled and felt justified in the yelling. I felt hard-done-by, martyrish, …

Read More about Goodbye angry mum: How I overcame my anger and stopped the yelling

This is something I have been thinking about for a really long time, why am I such a crank right now? I try to choose happy, but about ten minutes later I’m swearing about the laundry basket or getting frustrated about the fact that I have to microwave my tea AGAIN. (Quick disclaimer; mum, I’m fine, I’m …

Read More about Can you actually choose happy? (Some thoughts and a printable for you)