I love new year goals. Maybe it’s the inner list writer in me, but there’s something seductive about writing a list of all the self improvement I’m going to do over the next 12 months or so. Brought to you by Stockspot Top of my list are: master yoga handstands, get out cycling on my …
Let’s save $1,378 this year to spend on ourselves. OMG, how good would that be?! While it doesn’t even seem possible, you can do it with the 52 week savings challenge. Brought to you by Stockspot You’ve probably seen something like the 52 week savings challenge around before. This one is a little different, though. …
Divorce isn’t a subject we like to talk about, especially at this time of year. But the reality is that the festive season puts additional stress and strain on broken relationships, so the d-word creeps in more now than ever. While you can never really prepare for divorce, understanding your financial position is vital, but …
Every time I see my two young nieces, I’m reminded of what perfect, untouched little souls they are. They’re so lucky to have been born in a country where girls do have the opportunity (theoretically) to do whatever they aspire to. Brought to you by Stockspot As an aunt I often think “what can I …
I’m pretty sure I’m not alone when I say that I’ve got parenting regrets. There are so many, many things I wish I’d done differently. Of course, coulda woulda shoulda. Brought to you by Stockspot. I try not to dwell on my parenting regrets, but the fact is, there are a few that I’m really …
There’s something I wish we’d done ever since we had kids. I really wish we’d been raising our finances with the same care and attention that we’ve been raising our kids. Our money kid would have been doted on, nurtured and growing up beautifully. Instead, we’ve been terribly neglectful. Our finances have pretty much been …