Every mother I know (myself most definitely included) spends a good proportion of her day trying to guess the future. What might happen is sometimes even more of a preoccupation than what is actually happening. This is because we will do everything in our (super)power to stop bad things happening to our kids. In effect, …
Parenting style
In many, many ways, my kids are spoiled rotten. They lead the kind of childhood that I hope they are proud of when they are old and tired like their mama. But, to me, there is a difference between being spoiled by experience and circumstance and being spoiled because the grown ups in your life …
I’ve been feeling really overwhelmed with parenting lately. It’s so easy to go off the rails, isn’t it? My youngest is struggling a bit in school, my eldest is right in the thick of ‘being a teenager’, (cue eyeroll… from me), my middle has too many activities and it’s making me as exhausted as she …