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Allow me to reminisce about the Minecraft party we threw when Max turned 10. It was… crazy. The most full-on party we ever held (and, believe me, there are some solid contenders in that list!). On reflection, it was mostly the Minecraft games I came up with that did me in. Let me tell you, …

Read More about Minecraft games for a really full-on party (aka DON’T try this at home!)

This post is just here to give you lots of budget Minecraft party decorations ideas for your own party. I don’t ever think you need to spend a lot of money on your kids’ parties. Luckily, Minecraft is a terrific theme because you can do all kinds of things with balloons, paper and boxes. I …

Read More about All the best budget Minecraft party decoration ideas

Teen parties are terrifying. While in most states it’s actually not illegal to serve alcohol to minors in your home*, it’s not what most parents want. I don’t know about you, but I have zero interest in young kids getting smashed in my backyard. Which is why, despite not ever seeing any kid with drink …

Read More about How we handle drugs and alcohol at teen parties

When it comes to my kids’ parties, I always leave things until the last minute and I always try to spend as little money as possible. This Alice in Wonderland party had the smallest budget of all. Which somehow seems fitting for an Alice theme. I always like to have a ‘story’ woven around any …

Read More about A beautiful Alice In Wonderland party on a budget