Does “strawberry jam crumble slice” have the same effect on you as it does me? I’m talking that little-red-sandals, long-frilly-socks, lazy-after-school-days, warm nostalgic glow. You know the one. Sophie Hansen is the queen of conjuring up that glow. She is hands-down my favourite cookbook author for this and many reasons. I’ve talked about Sophie here …
It’s zucchini season here and I’m churning out the zucchini fritters (along with zucchini tots – did you see those last week?). Zucchinis are one of those vegetables that I think needs something added to them to make them tasty. Despite my ambivalence about eating zucchinis, my family is enthusiastic about growing them. Probably because …
The summer harvest has started, and I’m once again the proud owner of oversized zucchinis. Seriously, you only have to miss them in the garden for a day and suddenly you have more than you can possibly need. It’s right about now I start churning out the zucchini tots. In general, zucchinis are a vegetable …
These mini Christmas puds are a new festive favourite for us. Each December our village has it’s annual Christmas carol night in the hall. It’s an opportunity for the whole community to come together and celebrate the end of the year, and the Christmas season. The night begins with a shared meal. Each family brings …
Even though spring is in the air, I always struggle to find motivation and creativity at this time of year. Nope, not even a lemon cream cake can rouse me from my lethargy. The short, cold days, combined with the busyness of work mean that there is not much room left in my head for …
There is something soothing about making a loaf like this pumpkin and feta pull-apart bread. Kneading the dough until it is smooth and satiny – neither sticky nor dry. It is something that I do quite regularly at work with my primary students (usually to make pizzas), but not so often at home. Which is …