Let me preface this recipe by saying I love green pesto. I don’t love it because it’s versatile, and can be stirred through mayo to dress a salad or smear on a sandwich. I don’t love it because it keeps nicely when refrigerated or frozen. I love it because my son loves it and it …
These are the 25 family dinner recipes that we serve over and over at our place. They are all absolute wins, so I just rotate through these dishes when I’m meal planning. Every other week or so I add something different. That’s how easy meal planning can be. Each and every night I serve either …
Before we get to the brown rice salmon sushi, I need to tell you about why I love food and travel so much. See, I think one of the best gifts you can give your 18 or 21 year old is a plane ticket. One way if they’re a dick. Joking. I am super fortunate …