Date Night™ is one of those Critical Relationship Tools™ I read about all the time. You have to do Date Night frequently, they say, so that your marriage remains ‘hot’ and ‘fresh’. Clearly this is the supermarket rotisserie chicken approach to marriage. Whereas mine is more like your reliable old tuna sandwich. I’ve been making …
Self-care for parents is so much more than taking care of ourselves with time away. While lovely and necessary, a bubble bath / mani-pedi / walk in the woods just isn’t enough. I truly believe that in order to be the best parent we can be, we need to be the best person we can …
The most popular response to the question posted on Quora “What advice would a 70 or 80-year-old person give about the way the life should be lived?”, was a simple one. Dan Maloney, a 70+-year-old man shared the secret to happiness. Act happy. “I thought in many parts of my life I was inadequate, selfish …