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Try the Pomodoro Technique for homework

Try the Pomodoro Technique for homework

The Pomodoro Technique for school homework is your basic game changer. A friend shared the idea when I asked for her tips to get the school homework done. I tried it out on my three kids the very next day and… we are converts.

To use the Pomodoro Technique for homework, all you need are a timer and willing participants. Actually, scrap the willing participants bit – this is homework and kids, after all. 

This technique will help to motivate the kids to get started on their homework and help them stay focused until it’s done. It’s basically a great way to train kids to stay focused in a very distracting world.

What is the Pomodoro Technique?

The Pomodoro Technique was invented in the early ’90s by Francesco Cirillo. He named the technique “pomodoro” after the tomato timer he used when he was at university.

The technique aims to break the work down into short, timed intervals of activity (called “Pomodoros”) that are broken by timed periods of rest. Apparently the Pomodoro Technique can help improve your attention span and concentration.

It’s definitely a good way to get going on a task and stay focused until it’s finished. So the Pomodoro Technique for homework can really work. You can find out more about the Pomodoro Technique here.


Try the Pomodoro Technique for Homework - it's a game-changer

Get started with the Pomodoro Technique for homework

There’s nothing fancy about this technique. It’s just a matter of setting the timer, getting to work, taking a break, then setting the timer again. It works like this:

  1. Get everything you need ready to complete your homework
  2. Set the timer to 25 minutes
  3. Work on the task until the timer rings
  4. Take a short break (5 minutes is good)
  5. Go back to work after the break, setting the timer for 25 minutes again

If there is a lot of work to get through, you can take a longer break of 15-20 minutes after four sessions.

Pomodoro Technique apps

As you can see from above, this isn’t rocket science. Setting the timer isn’t difficult, but if you think your kid would benefit from having the timer set for them for both focus time and break time, there’s an app for that. Actually, there are loads of apps for that. Try one of these:

The Tomato Timer is my pick, as it’s on your computer where my son (Year 7) does most of his homework anyway. Give the Pomodoro Technique for homework a try and let me know how you go!

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