We made these adorable Easter bunny bags one year for the kids’ classmates. They were such a huge hit. These bunny bags are great for giving small trinkets for Easter instead of chocolate eggs (or chocolate eggs too, of course). You can fill your bunny bags with healthy biscuits or treats, or even small jars …
We hosted an epic Minecraft party and these invitations set the scene. We thought we’d share the love, so you can download, edit and print these free Minecraft party invitations. You can print out these free Minecraft party invitations, or simply email them as a jpeg file. While we still like a printed invite in …
A teen birthday can feel like a total letdown when you’re a parent. Celebrating birthdays used to mean booking venues, choosing themes, organising cakes and getting revved up with maximum amounts of excitement. But when your children get older, they suddenly don’t want want all the fanfare. The good news is, there are still plenty …
Max’s amazing Pokemon party had some big make-it-easy Pokemon party ideas: like a storyline. From the very beginning of the party, the kids were all Pokemon trainers, charged with catching, training and battling a Pokemon. We had such fun coming up with some fantastic Pokemon party ideas that weren’t your average party games. Like all good …
With Christmas fast-approaching, it won’t surprise anyone to know that I’m hoping for books this year. Lots of books. As I do every year. These are the six books at the top of my wishlist this year – and, yes, it was hard to narrow it down to just six! • The Invention Of Hugo Cabret …