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I was a teenager during Australia’s 1990s “recession we had to have”, and remember clearly a friend asking his dad for some money to go to the movies. With equal parts frustration and resignation, the dad explained he’d been retrenched and wasn’t certain employment was on the horizon in his near future. So he really …

Read More about How do I tell my kids we’re short on money – without freaking them out?

This month, the Australian Gov launched a new website to teach teens about money. Money Managed is stacked with resources and tools to get our kids on board with what money is and does. I think it’s bloody marvellous. Many Mumlyfe readers will be aware that I  have worked at SBS Food for over four …

Read More about The best way to teach teens about money (even if you’re not confident yourself)

I don’t know about you, but I’ve barely come up for air since having the kids. It’s relentless! Every day is just packed with the doing of it all. We are so consumed with everyday busyness of raising kids, that there is little time left over to think about the big picture. The things we …

Read More about 6 things we need to do now to invest in our kids’ future

You teen has landed their first job and it’s a fantastic opportunity to further the ‘pocket money’ talks. Finance writer Michelle Bowes talks us through five important money moments when your teen starts their first job. Everyone talks about how expensive babies are – clearly they’ve never had a tween or teen! Aside from food …

Read More about 5 money things to do when a teen gets their first job

Most kids need/want dollars, but often it’s hard to find the cash to pay one, two, three or more kids the kind of “pocket money” that keeps up with everything they need/want. So finding a way for  tweens and teens to make money outside of the home is pretty critical for many of us. Raising …

Read More about 60+ ways for kids to make money outside of the home