To close the gender performance gap and enhance the performance of boys, we need to get boys reading for fun. Young people need strong reading skills to learn and demonstrate their learning. Reading skills are not just about performing well in subjects such as English. They are also related to performance in subjects like science …
Yumi Stynes and Melissa Kang have done it again with their new book ‘Welcome to Sex’. Open the book, then prepare to open a meaningful dialogue with your teens. I don’t mean to make sex awkward with our children, I really don’t. I want to be oh-so-cool, covering all the basic ‘what goes where’ information, …
I love giving books for presents and this Christmas everyone is getting the perfect cookbook. You know it, there’s a cookbook to suit everyone – no matter the age, gender, personality or cooking prowess. There’s even a perfect cookbook for people who hate cooking. Apart from the deliciousness of giving someone the gift of both …
It can be a bit daunting to discover that your teen is into witchcraft. Visions of pagan dances or even, gulp, human sacrifices spring instantly to mind. Or maybe it’s, you know, Harry Potter that witchcraft conjures for you (sacrificial humans? My mind goes to many places!). Whatever your associations, it can be confronting to …
AL Tait recently shared her top three tips to get girls reading books again. Go check them out because we’re certain something there will spark your own girl to pick up a book again. It can’t all be Tik Tok and Insta 24/7, can it? It’s time to halt the scrolling and the trolling and …
We’re thrilled that best-selling author AL Tait has shared her tips to get girls reading books again. AL is the author of seven books for readers aged 10-14 years, including her latest hit out this month The Fire Star. Find a full review of The Fire Star here, or read on for AL Tait’s best …