Raising kids in today’s world sometimes feels like an ongoing battle for their attention. Between social media pings, endless streaming content, and the ever-growing pressure of school and social life, it’s no wonder so many teens struggle to concentrate. As parents, we want to support them, but it can be tough to know how to …
Some kids skip into school every day, ready to tackle whatever is thrown their way. They’re motivated, engaged and likely a candidate for future school captain. Other kids… not so much. If you have one like mine, there is no skipping going on. Instead, you’re faced with a daily dose of trying to motivate the …
To close the gender performance gap and enhance the performance of boys, we need to get boys reading for fun. Young people need strong reading skills to learn and demonstrate their learning. Reading skills are not just about performing well in subjects such as English. They are also related to performance in subjects like science …
The best projects for older kids are all about something they can get into that builds each day. It might be a fitness challenge, learning a language, practising an instrument or trying something new. It can be anything that will give you a really nice ‘before’ and ‘after’ (BAA) comparison from start to finish. Kids …
These TED Talks for tweens aren’t exactly aimed at kids, but they 100% inspire kids. TED Talks listened to by tweens make kids feel the same way they make an adult feel: inspired, thoughtful, different. I listen to a lot of TED Talks (and the podcast TED Radio Hour is my favourite, plus TED Talks …
Sometimes it can be incredibly overwhelming to use the internet to research for a project or a class task, so we have devised a list of 10 free chrome extensions for school to help you out a bit. Try these free Chrome extensions for school 1. Mybib Mybib is an extension that generates either APA …