It can be hard to accept as an adult parenting teens that perhaps you are part of the problem. The ‘problem’ being the repetitive arguments that start with a niggle (bedroom a bombsite, clean laundry chucked into the bottom of the wardrobe), and escalate to a full-blown blue. The kind that leaves you reeling, feeling …
Do you feel guilty all the time about the way you have raised your children? I have always felt so guilty from day one: I didn’t give my kids enough of my time and I escaped to work as soon as I could, because mothering was so hard. Now my daughter is self harming, and …
My name is Rebecca, and I’m the mum of one of “those kids”. The ones who don’t ever seem to fit in with all the other kids at school. My daughter has no friends, and gets picked on and belittled every day by the other children. Despite what all the anti-bullying wokeness would tell you, …
Stop the presses: I’m a mum home alone. I’m not even kidding, for the past 24 hours not one person has asked me for anything. Actually, that’s not quite accurate, yesterday afternoon my massage therapist asked if the pressure was okay. Not even kidding about the massage therapist either! Do you feel as though you’ve …
I’m sorry, dear kids, for being cranky. For being frustrated and swearing under my breath (more than usual). I’m sorry for snapping at you for little things and yelling at you for big things. That I haven’t got much to say that’s pleasant. And I’m sorry I’m not very fun lately. I’m just really tired …
It’s that time of year. The time of year I heat up by nagging my kids to put a @%#&(! jumper on. Drop off this morning, 7ºC: my son in short sleeves, shorts, light cotton. “I’m not cold!” he insists. “Why aren’t you cold?” I say. Why don’t kids get cold!?! He’s got a jumper …