In this Things Teens Ask series, experts from The Conversation answers kids’ everyday questions, and today it’s a teen who wants to know whether girls masturbate. Hi, I have a question after reading a published piece for I Need To Know. Masturbating has always seemed to be acceptable for boys, but less commonly discussed among girls. Is …
Remember when your kids clung to you like a shipwreck survivor to a life raft? (We were the raft in this situation, just to be clear.) Then, one day, unexpectedly, they simply weren’t around anymore. Not only were they not on you, they weren’t anywhere around you either. Now, instead of feeling smothered with love …
Stokedness: the art of being stoked. How many days do you wake up excited for life, stoked to be alive and take on the day’s challenges? If your answer is “often,” then congratulations! That’s an amazing way to live life — but you’re in the minority. Most people are unenthusiastic about their lives, not looking …
The median age for boys to first view pornography is 13, while for girls it’s 16. OK, so your teen has watched porn. First, stay calm. by Megan Lim, Head of Young People’s Health Research, Burnet Institute. Unlike in previous generations, you’re unlikely to discover your adolescent’s first exposure to porn by finding a scrunched-up Playboy …
School mode: on. Or is it? If your teen’s routine is all out of whack they need a body clock reset. Prepare for a rough ride. The end of school holidays often is a strange mix of celebration (that’s us!), sadness (the teens) and madness (life generally). It’s a rare teen who enthusiastically gives up …
It’s a well-established fact that children’s and teens’ mental health took a hit during the pandemic. But new research suggests that teen girls in particular are suffering in unprecedented ways. A survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that was published in early February 2023 found that, in 2021, 57% of high school …