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Is there anything more irritating than living with a prolonged teenage sulk? Oh, I know. The teen rage and the teen tantrum are up there. But there’s something about a teenager sulking that burrows into your skin and scratches at your nerve endings. Or is that just me? Teens may sulk for various reasons and …

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A while ago we put a call out on Facebook for any burning questions that our readers needed answering. And one of the questions asked by more than one parent was this: “Why are teen girls so judgmental?”. One mum writes: “I can’t believe how judgey my 15-year-old is. She never stops criticising me, her …

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Straight outta the gates with this one! A few weeks ago I put a call out on Facebook for any burning questions that our readers needed answering. And the very first question that popped into our inbox was this one: “Why is my kid such an asshole?” Hmmm. Writes a fellow mum: “She’s 12 and …

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