Even though spring is in the air, I always struggle to find motivation and creativity at this time of year. Nope, not even a lemon cream cake can rouse me from my lethargy. The short, cold days, combined with the busyness of work mean that there is not much room left in my head for …
Who’s up for a slice of pear cake? How about if we make it Sally Wise’s honey caramel topsy turvy pear cake? Me! This is a recipe from Sally’s The Comfort Bake – which is just such a fantastic, all-around baking book. We made her chicken stroganoff pie a couple of weeks ago and I …
It’s time we enjoyed another Sophie Hansen recipe, don’t you think? The apple and blackberry cake was divine, but I think this snacking cake will be even more of a hit. A snacking cake! It just sounds like something we need to make immediately, doesn’t it? In her book Around the Kitchen Table (created with …
Woah, what? The best chocolate cake in the world? Are we kidding? Not kidding. ‘Fast Ed’ Halmagyi has a new book out and we made the liquid-centred chocolate cake from the book last weekend. It was amazing. A. MAZ. ING. In fact, calling it the best chocolate cake in the world is not even close …
Oh, for the love of a good cake recipe! You can never have too many. I especially like the ones that are quick to whip up, like this ginger fluff goodie from the new cookbook from CWA Victoria, From Our Kitchen To Yours. Isn’t the name CWA comforting when you’re about to cook something afternoon-teaish? …
Do you have a bundt cake tin? I’ve had one for years, but rarely use it except to make this blueberry bundt cake. I am never sure if you can just make an ordinary cake recipe in the bundt tin, or if you need a special bundt cake recipe. All to do with cooking times …