This quick guide to managing tantrums is part of our quick guide to life series. Short, sharp advice that tackles the pain points of parenting. It felt weird at first to call an article “managing tantrums” on a parenting site for older kids. But if the way my 9-year-old carries on when she doesn’t get …
Life skills
With school holidays in full swing around Australia, it’s tempting for working parents to leave kids home alone for part or all of the day. Actually, it’s tempting for any parent to leave kids unsupervised at some stage at any time of year – even if it’s just for an hour to do the grocery …
Once you’ve worked out when your kids are ready to be left home alone, it’s important to do some planning and have an emergency strategy in place before you go. This Home Alone checklist can help, but remember to consider every aspect of your own home and general lifestyle so you can tailor a home …
“How to raise a feminist” seems like a silly topic to discuss in 2018. But I’m well aware that not every kid is lucky enough to be raised feminist. Max, who is 13, was loving being in an all-boys class for Design Tech at school. But not for the reasons you might think. A week …
Our eldest child went to a Montessori preschool and I learned such a lot from his lovely teacher. One of the first things she taught me was to foster independence. This meant not doing things for children that they are perfectly capable of doing themselves. When you’re in preschool, this means this like carrying your …