These resilience tips will help you and your child through tough times. Resilience – the ability to bounce back when things get rough – is not something we are born with, although some people are tougher by nature than others. Resilience is something that we can help our kids build and develop. It’s something we …
As women, and especially as parents, we spend a lot of time and energy lamenting, ‘What’s wrong with me?’ We tend to focus on what we perceive to be our negatives and think things like: ‘Why do I yell all the time? Why can’t I get in shape? Manage my money better? Get my sh*t together?’ …
I’m a terrible nagger of my children, and I know I’m not alone in needing to stop criticising my kids. “As parents, we are, unwittingly, too critical of our children,” says Dr Kenneth Barish, author of Pride and Joy: A Guide to Understanding Your Child’s Emotions and Solving Family Problems (affliate link). He says that if he …
So often we equate a ‘growth mindset’ with praise and the words that we use to encourage or reward our kids; ‘You tried so hard’ as a replacement for ‘You’re so clever’. But a growth mindset is not about success. It’s not about hard work, or effort or believing in yourself. It’s not about intelligence and …