Stop the presses: I’m a mum home alone.
I’m not even kidding, for the past 24 hours not one person has asked me for anything.
Actually, that’s not quite accurate, yesterday afternoon my massage therapist asked if the pressure was okay. Not even kidding about the massage therapist either!
Do you feel as though you’ve reached the twilight zone? What planet am I on? How is this mum home alone?
It’s rather simple, my beloved husband has taken our children away to see their grandies and left me behind.
I’m happy to report that it wasn’t even my idea. The husband offered to give me some home alone time to get work done and have the house to myself.
Let’s just let that sink in…
I have my house to myself.
Here’s a photo of me in 2008: just months before this shot was taken was the last time I experienced being home by myself.
Photographic evidence of me in 2008 before wrinkles and three kids.
How cute was my baby girl?
Sure I’ve been away without my family, like my amazing trip to Las Vegas. But I’ve never had more than 24 hours in my own home all by myself. And it’s complete bliss.
A little odd, but incredible.
Last night before I went to bed I almost went down the hall to do my nightly fan adjust/temperature check. I have an abiding obsession with temperature.
It was all very eerie. Just the cat and I in a ridiculously quiet house.
This morning I didn’t have to cut apples, make porridge, cook toast three different ways or even do the dishes. I repeat, NO DISHES.
Sure I still have shitloads of work to do, but that’s all I’m doing, oh and playing Words with Friends like a maniac.
It’s quite liberating being home alone, I can see why Macaulay Culkin loved it so much.
When was the last time you were home alone?