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Win an Uberkate circle pendant for a very happy Mother’s Day

Win an Uberkate circle pendant for a very happy Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is coming and with it a small ray of hope in the otherwise gloom that is mothering. Aw, I’m kidding, right? Right?

Look, I’m really not a big fan of Mother’s Day. I’m a bit of a grinch about all of the random ‘days’ actually – valentine’s day, mother’s day, and definitely father’s day.


Last year I tried to ban Mother’s Day and it was a disaster. I told the kids not to buy me anything at the school mother’s day stall. I figured that after 13 years of parenting, I have enough “World’s Greatest Mum” mugs to last me the distance. I honestly just did not want to have to deal with the extra clutter. So I said,

“Just make me something, that would mean the most to me.”

The faces. They were gutted because (a) I didn’t realise that they LOVE choosing me something from the school mother’s day stall, it’s practically the highlight of their year and (b) they did not want to make me something.

I very quickly realised that mother’s day is not really about the mother at all. Rather, like all things in life, it is about the children. It’s about showing them how good it feels to treat someone you love. How lovely it is to think of a parent as a person for a day. And the joy of saying thank you.

So, of course, this year I will dutifully hand over three lots of $5 and take my chances.

Uberkate will kiss it all better

While I’m kept busy on MD opening my notepad and pen set or toiletry bag or 14th “”World’s Greatest Mum” mug, you might be opening something rather more special.

My divine friend Kate from Uberkate has slipped me an Ubercircle Set to give to one awesomely lucky reader. It’s our way of saying, “It IS about you, Mum. It’s ALL about you!”

God, wouldn’t that be SO NICE?

This perfect prize is a personalised Small Medium & Large sterling silver Signature Ubercircle Set  valued at $565.

Entries close on 30 April so Kate’s team have lots of time to send it to you ready to unwrap on MD. You can pretend it’s from the children, Kate won’t mind.

Special Mother’s Day Offer for everyone

You can enter the prize draw (see details below), but you can also win straightaway with these two special Uberkate offers running right now:

  • Spend over $300 this Mother’s Day and you will receive a free bracelet & silver pendant valued at $129. Offer ends 12 May or whilst stocks last

So if you buy the Small Medium & Large Signature Ubercircle at the special price, you also qualify for the bracelet and pendant. Too good!

How to enter to win

Back to the competition, this is actually a game of skill (sorry). You need to be very inventive in telling us in the comments below what you love best about being a mum and what you love the least. I’ll be choosing a winner based on your answers and contacting you via email. I’ll notify the winner on the Mumlyfe Facebook page on 30 April.

Please also pop over to visit Uberkate and let her know she’s a lovely, generous soul. Because she so is.

To enter

Tell us “What you love best about being a mum and what you love the least” – please answer in the comments below. Be sure to include your email so we can contact you (not published).

Terms and Conditions

  1. Giveaway open to Australian residents only
  2. Entries open on 16 April and close on 30 April 2018
  3. Winner will be notified via email, so make sure you include your email address (not published)
  4. Winner will be announced on the Mumlyfe Facebook page on 30 April 2018
  5. This is a game of skill so be creative, thoughtful, funny, etc with your answer
  6. The prize will be distributed by Uberkate after the winner has been announced
  1. Kylie says:

    Oh WOW! I am lucky enough to have my birthday and mother’s day within a 2 week period. So generally the school Mother’s Day stall is what I get!

    What I love most about being a Mum is watching my two gorgeous kiddies growing into awesome caring, loving and generally amazing human beings. Every day I am astounded by how much they change and how much love they give. What I love least is that as much as I try I can’t protect them from everything in the world. And wiping bums. I really don’t like wiping bums.

  2. Kate says:

    Squishy cuddles, watching them accomplish hard things, and those fleeting moments when I think we may have just raised decent humans who will make the world a better place.
    The worry, school mornings, and those fleeting moments when I am crushed with the fear that my kids might not turn out ok.
    This parenthood things is full of contradictions isn’t it!

  3. Helen says:

    Mumming – the best bit? The laughing. The lying together on a cold day watching movies together. The hugs. Being their one and only while that part lasts. The Holding hands. The skipping. The dancing. Imagining it lasts forever. Mumming – the worst bit? The worry. Sleepless nights. Watching them go through pain. Watching them struggle with themselves and wishing they could see themselves the way you see them. Plus..the laundry

  4. Jordana says:

    I love all twenty sticky fingers wrapped tightly around my neck. The shattered iPad screen which either fell or jumped off the deck.
    The snotty noses, the funny photograph poses. The midnight wake ups, and fights over coloured sippy cups.
    The long days, the even longer nights.
    The teething and fevers, bruises to kiss better, kisses given as light as a feather.
    The worst part? The part that I hate? How quickly each stage is over, and
    how soon my two littlies will be waltzing out my gate!

  5. Lisa Grimmond says:

    What I love most about being a sole mummy is how big the love is . It is also how big that love is , that makes it the most challenging love ever .
    I love it when we intuitively fall into each other’s cuddles …. and I hate it when I have to send her to school when she is having s tough time . I love it when we are in tune and connected and life flows together as we grow together .
    I hate is when our work and school schedules and activities collide and we don’t have enough time to listen and ‘ be’. Mostly I just love love love being a mum and raising my daughter has been the buggiest privilege of my lifetime .

  6. Lauren says:

    Being a mum completes me. The thing that keeps me going is the ‘peace’ when these two amazing little people are sound asleep! After a day of giggles, tantrums, kisses and tears, that peace is pure perfection. What I like least is feeling that I’m not being a good enough mum. Am I raising my kids right? Will they ‘be alright’? How can I parent them better to make their lives easier? Being a mum is the hardest job in the world, but I am privileged to have this opportunity as so many wish for it and can’t. The hardest job but most incredibly fulfilling one there is.

  7. Tegan says:

    I love introducing all of my favourite books to my son. We still snuggle up in bed and I read to him. I hope it doesn’t stop soon. The thing I least like is seeing his little face screwed up with anxiety and not being able to take it away for him. I feel so incredibly helpless.

  8. Christine says:

    What a fab giveaway Bron!

    What I love best: Experiencing the world through my daughter’s eyes as it gives me a renewed sense of joy for life.

    What I love least: I’m a bit of a control freak and excessive planner and having a child throws all control and plans out the window! I think it’s good for me though, as it’s teaching me to be more flexible and to go with the flow – so maybe I don’t love it the least after all 😉

  9. One thing I love most about being a mum is when my girls accomplish something. I feel like the pride just oozes out of me like when Miss 6 played Mary had a little lamb on a keyboard at the Easter Show and another Mum said ooh… she’s obviously learning to play. And I was like “Yes! She’s a prodigy! OMG I’m so in love with this mini genius.” The thing I love least about being a mum is when I’m pooping and the kids decide to start a war over who has more of the iPad on their side of the bench. I’m totally incapacitated listening to them smacking, screaming and calling me for help and all I can do is yell back “I’M POOING!” Never works just FYI.

  10. Eva Wintersberger says:

    I love being a mum because it is the only time you will ever experience unconditional love. A feeling so strong I never thought it existed. It is beyond words and only a mum can understand it. I love that as mums we are all connected by that feeling

  11. I love watching them grow from babies into quirky little people and then young adults who think for themselves and see the world with fresh eyes. I don’t love the strange culture that pits parents against each other and is all about competing and judging over the minutiae of motherhood- so I opted out of that some time ago!

  12. Claudia Fulford says:

    Hi girls……
    Oh I’m so excited!
    The thing I love best about being a mum is knowing that these little people are mini me’s! What I loved and didn’t love about my childhood I have consciously added/subtracted from their childhood cause I know they’re just like me. What they find funny and enjoy are the simple things, like hanging out with friends, being together adventuring…..just like me!
    The thing I love the least is knowing that these little people are mini me’s!!
    Their struggles, their battles I feel like déjà vu. Their strong wills, determination and persistence all remind me of not so long ago!
    It’s a day by day job this mothering gig. You teach, you learn, you laugh and god do you cry but look at them!! How cool is it to have little mini me’s!!

  13. There was a time when my daughter was about 2-1/2 when she woke up crying in her cot. I asked her if Mama always comes to get her, and she said, “Mama Sam Rescue!,” which meant that I was Fireman Sam, and that I always rescue her. and it was the highest compliment she could offer me. Then, she handed me a toy fireman hat to wear. This was the one of the deepest moment of early childhood for me to see how my little daughter perceived me. I was not just the wiper of bums, the cutter of *square* not triangle pieces of toast, the appeaser of tantrums, but Fireman Sam, who can always be counted on in an emergency. As my kids grow, I’m always trying to find the age appropriate way to be Fireman Sam, though now that means helping her put out her own fires a bit more often.
    (As for the worst, actually having to watch Fireman Sam is surely high on the list.)

  14. What a beautiful necklace.
    My children are getting older and I love the new life friends I created. Yes I still have to parent but I spend more time with them laughing, living in the present moment and just enjoying the beautiful people they have grown into.
    The worst part of being a mum is deciding, then buying then cooking dinner. Argh!!!! It is so painful. Shhh teaching kids now to be the next chefs in my house.

  15. Emily says:

    Both involve my kids saying mum.
    Best: the first time they say mum; the buggy times they say mum; the professions of love that use the word mum; the way your kids say mum in a way no other kid does.
    Worst: Mum. Mum. Mum! MUM! MUUUUUM! MMMUUUUUMMMMYYYYYYYYY! when you’re on that very important work call your kids have known about ALL day and PROMISED they’d be quiet for…

  16. Maraya says:

    The best part of being a mum is raising independent humans who have their own thoughts, feelings and opinions on things. I may not always agree with them but I love watching them become people in their own right.

    The worst part is being forced to play imagination based games and having to follow a very set script!

  17. Elizabeth Streten says:

    The absolute best thing about being a mother is being woken up my two gorgeous happy smiling toddlers who just want cuddles with Mummy. The worst, being woken up every morning at 5am! The cuddles definitely trump the early wake up call !! 😉

  18. Tiffiny Beamish says:

    The best thing about being a mum is that my children make me laugh. My pre-schooler does strange things that only young children do, like insist on listening to spooky Halloween music while eating dinner and taking a bottle of vanilla essence to childcare.
    The least thing about being a mum is the lack of me time. Hobbies, what are they? Also, the constant chattering of my two kids when playing, they still are learning about using their inside voices. I miss the silence in the house.

  19. Sara says:

    Great prize! What I love the most about motherhood is that I have been given the privilege and honour of helping these little people realise their potential in this world. What I love the least is seeing them disappointed, hurt or upset and feeling powerless to do anything about it, other than a hug and reassuring words.

  20. Bryony Sumner says:

    Being a Mum

    What do I love the most? The least?
    What are my favourite things?
    I love your smiles, your hugs, your face
    The way you like to sing.

    I’m not a fan of being the boss
    Of always being so lame
    ‘Stop that’, ‘come here’, ‘take the cat out the fridge’
    I’m constantly spoiling your games

    I love the way you make me see
    The world through your innocent eyes
    To explore, to laugh, to run and play
    Every day holds a new surprise

    My least favourite thing is feeling so tired
    ‘Lie ins’ a thing of the past
    5am wake ups are never a treat
    And I’m not sure how long I’ll last!

    I love the way you show me how
    The small things are often enough
    Being in the moment, laughing with friends
    Not stressing out over trivial stuff.

    Least of all I like the way
    I can never be quite sure
    If I’m doing this mum thing right or wrong
    Do I need to somehow be more?

    I love to watch you bloom and grow
    Into the men you’ll one day be
    But what I love the most when I look in your eyes
    Is your love coming right back to me.

  21. Danielle says:

    You know what. I came from a big family. I’m the second eldest of six kids and my dad he was one of fifteen.

    Growing up and going through high school. I never even had being a mum on my to do list. It was never in my sights. I was going to be a famous landscape photographer and travel the world! I was going to be frivolous and free and not be tied down to anyone or anything (except my camera) and then I met a boy and motherhood kind of happened and life went on.

    Motherhood changed me in ways I never imagined. If moulded me into the woman I am today and taught me so many things. I look back at who I was in my teens now wanting children and it makes me laugh because I might not be famous but I still went on to be a photographer in some sense of the world and I still feel free and able to travel the world but the best part of it all is my husband and I created our own little tribe to do all those things with. I love nothing more then taking them on adventures near and far and capturing the moments in between when they absorb different experiences.

    I think you take the good with the bad and it all just rolls into one. Some days are good and some days a bad. For me personally the worst thing about being mum is how pig headed my kids are are how frustrating it is to get them to clean their bedrooms! But I can’t blame them because I really am a terrible housewife!

  22. Renee Ballantyne says:

    I love seeing my two boys grow into handsome young men and love the least is the thought of them leaving home some day

  23. Karina Lee says:

    I love my daily cuddles from my kids. It’s a constant reminder of how much I love them even when I have to deal with their tantrums which is what I love least!

  24. Nicole Kent says:

    It’s the little rewards at the end of the day
    Their laughter and smiles as they play
    The mother’s guilt is what I hate
    If I miss milestones or important dates

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