This week’s book review comes from Book Boy Junior, aged 10.
Title: Chance Of A Lifetime (Izzy Folau series, book #1)
Author: David Harding with Izzy Folau
Publisher: Random House Australia
About the book: This book is about two very different boys in a rugby union rep team. One of them, Sione, doesn’t want to be there at all, while the other, Daniel, wants to win at all costs. The story is about what happens when they meet – and when they meet Wallabies player Izzy Folau.
What I thought: I really liked this book because I am playing my first season of rugby union. It’s very entertaining and exciting, because of the descriptions of the rugby games.
My favourite characters in the book were Sione, who is really calm and has a great step, and, of course, Izzy Folau, who even offers some training tips about passing in the book.
I would recommend this book for ages 8+. You don’t need to be interested in rugby union to enjoy it, but I think it would help.