The first thing my boys do when they walk in the door is create a school bag minefield in the middle of the hallway. Then they head straight into the kitchen, open the fridge door and stare in there like they have never see food before. It’s time to play after school snack roulette.
“I’m starving”
“I’m sooooo hungry”
“We have no food”
Insert 10,000 variations of the above and that is pretty much as close to a “hello Mum, was your day?” that I am going to get until they hoover down said after school snack.
It does not matter how much I have packed in their lunch box for them during the day, when they get home they are starving. Like chew the handle on a hockey stick kind of hungry.
And so my priority is to feed them, BEFORE they go and get all hangry on me and turn into feral animals scavenging for food.
As much as I once had this homely image of me welcoming the kids at the door and then serving them up a freshly baked scones whilst we chat about their day, the reality is – who has time for that every day? Besides, I suck at making scones.
Add an after school activity into the mix and the pressure is on to impress with something they actually want to eat. Fruit is my go to option for feeding the troops their after school snack. Quick, easy, healthy and affordable.
Making fruit fun is the goal here people and if you manage to sneak a few veggies in there without them noticing then bonus points for a sneaky win. Here is my go-to quick and easy way to make a healthy after school snack, with little to no effort required.
Another good one: Yoghurt and mixed berry oat cups
Fruit and yoghurt cones
Makes 4
Takes moments
• 4 flat-bottom ice cream cones
• Fruit cut into small pieces
• Vanilla yoghurt
Fill the cones with the fruit salad and drizzle over the yoghurt. Done!
What’s the go-to after school snack at your place?