This vegie ricotta muffins recipe is from the new book The Feel-Good Family Food Plan is fantastic to have on hand. Make a double batch and freeze them for complete convenience. The book is jam-packed full of everything you need to feed your family well, from one of Australia’s favourite and most trusted health and …
A while back, my family challenged ourselves to go a whole week of eating a cooked breakfast every. single. day. Our Sunday breakfast recipe was my favourite, mostly because it was as easy to make as pouring a bowl of cereal. Are you a big breakfast eater? Making breakfast a priority instead of a possible …
This awesomuesli muesli blend is fantastic in muesli cookies. Or you can add some milk for breakfast. Sprinkle it over ice cream for dessert. Or throw a handful into a smoothie. It’s a very versatile muesli blend, let me tell you! The recipe is very ‘free and easy’, so put in more of what you …
My kids are obsessed with Baker’s Delight cheesymite scrolls – or vegemite and cheese scrolls to the rest of us. It’s been an ongoing preoccupation for years. They’re not a bad afternoon treat, but they are so expensive when you have to buy three at a time. I thought I could come up with a …
These nutritious breakfast bars are made for busy times, and these are busy times indeed. Everyone is T+E (tired and emotional – remember when that was a thing, along with D+Ms?). My kids would rather have 15 extra minutes in bed than get up and make a proper breakfast, and I’m inclined to let them. …
Now here’s an easy everyday breakfast idea: bake this pineapple and strawberry breakfast loaf for the toaster. You can freeze this recipe in slices, taking a slice out and popping it straight into the toaster in the morning. Remember to hit the little ‘freezer’ button on the toaster to get a nice, crunchy toasted slice. …