Our recent The Barefoot Investor for Families (affiliate link) giveaway turned up some fantastic money saving tips for families. So good, we found it really difficult to choose two winners. The tips were all too good! We didn’t want to lose any of these money saving gems, so we’ve rounded up our favourites here. Get your …
Despite many parenting books existing, the ultimate parenting manual is yet to hit the shelves. Instead, to find out what things parents do that really matter to kids, I hit the Google research library. Then I read what the parenting experts and bloggers and forum mums and random Facebookers and, yes, kids had to say …
There are plenty of benefits of work for teens. Your kid has reached the minimum age for working (which is lower than you might think – check here), and they desperately want a job. That’s a good thing, right? Or maybe they would rather walk over hot coals than get a job, but you feel …
The risks of porn on our tweens and teens is far greater than most parents realise. Today teenagers are viewing far more pornography than their parents realise. And the porn they’re watching is much more “hardcore” than mums and dads could possibly imagine. These were the main messages of “What Teenagers are Learning From Online …
The idea of “mindfulness for kids” has been floated around for a while now (no pun intended!). The Smiling Mind app has been an entry into mindfulness for kids for many Australian (and international) families. My nine-year-old uses it and both my boys are aware of what mindfulness is. As the world grows more rushed …
It’s that time of year. The time of year I heat up by nagging my kids to put a @%#&(! jumper on. Drop off this morning, 7ºC: my son in short sleeves, shorts, light cotton. “I’m not cold!” he insists. “Why aren’t you cold?” I say. Why don’t kids get cold!?! He’s got a jumper …