Ooh, this is such a good one! Who wouldn’t want to devour a batch of homemade chocolate digestives bickies for afternoon tea? Me, that’s who! I first started tinkering around with this recipe when I discovered that our beloved McVities chocolate digestives contained palm oil in their list of ingredients. Not the sustainable kind, either*. …
Winter is here and that means our high schoolers are spending lunch times shivering behind B block trying to keep warm. Now is a good time to up your repertoire of thermos lunches. Thermos lunches are a lovely hit of home in the middle of a bone-chilling school day. Or maybe it’s not even all …
Sophie Hansen’s gorgeous new cookbook In Good Company is out today. You might remember Sophie from such hits as her previous book A Basket by the Door, and especially her delightful golden syrup biscuits. Oh, those bickies! It’s hard to believe, but In Good Company is just as fantastic a resource as A Basket by …
I love the word ‘healthy-ish’. It implies that while you might not be getting things 100% right, at least you’re trying. Which pretty much sums up a post about making lunchbox biscuits. Look, a kid has got to eat something. While I applaud the parents whose children are content to munch on vegetable sticks and …
When I mentioned our penchant for lunchbox fritters to a friend, she was very confused. She’s never, ever packed a fritter for her kids’ lunch. “Aren’t they awful cold?” she asked. The answer is not at all. Lunchbox fritters are delicious packed straight into an insulated lunchbox. OR you can pack them hot in a …
When sandwiches are just too boring, savoury slices are there to save the day. (Though, just quietly, if the sambos are boring, you’re doing it wrong.) There are three very good reasons to make these slices for lunch. One, they are super simple to make. Two, they travel exceptionally well. Three, you can make them …